Happy Banned Books Week everyone!
"Banned Books Week" started in 1982 as an attempt to raise awareness about the growing problem of censorship in classrooms. Luckily, we have a little gem called the First Amendment here in the US that allows us to read whatever our souls desire. Not so luckily, many teachers have problems choosing literature that is suitable and acceptable for all students and parents in their class. Once, I spent nearly an entire semester researching this topic. I ended up with a long research paper that I am sure you are so terribly interested in. If you'd like, you can read it here. It outlines the whole banning process, selection, and commonly banned books in the U.S. Sadly, most of the banned books are those that used to be so treasured by the American people. A few of those include: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Catcher in the Rye, The Lord of the Flies, and Of Mice and Men. Sad to realize that many of the books that teach students how to think, how to react to ethical dilemmas, how to make decisions, and spark ideas constantly top all banned book lists. Anyway, I just finished The Things They Carried, and now onward to an adventure with Huck Finn... Keep reading everyone!
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