Sunday, November 20, 2011

today's lesson: changing education paradigms

This guy has hit the nail on the educational head. Check this out.

Not only are we anesthetizing our children to get them through school, we refuse to change. We judge them individually. We group them according to one characteristic and one characteristic only...Age. And then we judge them according to how we think they should be judged. Thus, many brilliant people do not think they are brilliant because the "scale" does not fit them appropriately.

It is true that the educational system developed in colonial times was for students in colonial times. What else would it be for? Does it take a genius to figure out that the system we develop today should match the needs and interests of students today? Sounds to me like we all have the capacity for brilliance. We must toughen up, stop medicating, judging, and comparing, and maybe start learning. We are not going to get where we need to go by staying where we are. It's as simple as that.

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